Monday, October 26, 2009


dear paranormal activity,
i'm still haunted from watching you & feel as if i have demons after me!

dear paranormal activity audience,
i'm glad my cries of fear could be your comic relief during that frightening 2 hours. I on the other hand, had no comic relief... I was purely petrified.

dear kramer,
i am truly sorry if your arm is bruised

dear regan,
i don't appreciate it when you try to scare me more than i already am

dear twin bed,
you aren't very comfortable but somehow you make me want to stay curled up for hours & miss every class, which is a bad idea.

dear king's singers,
you were really great today in class & i'm very excited to hear you tonight in concert!

dear rice cooker,
please work!

dear world archaeology,
your class sucks & i hope i don't fail your midterm this friday...


1 reviews:

Reggie Leppod said...

Woah. you beat me to the "letter" thing. Great minds think alike i guess. and good job seeing paranormal activity! i am so proud!