When will America overcome this Vampsession?
I feel that around every corner now is a new vampire
I should be looking out for.
Vampire Diaries? True Blood? The Gates?
Oh... and what was that one movie? ...Twilight.
Why weren't we satisfied with Buffy?
1. from the 90's. We love old shows.
2. like Twilight, Charmed, and the OC combined
3 reviews:
HAHAHA! I love reason number 2. :)
I saw this one guy on Good Morning America that wrote a vampire book due to his daughter's persuasion and he said that vampires have been hugely popular for...a century? A long time... But anyway. I don't buy it. I think they went out of style, came back with Twilight, and now are verging on overkill.
Buffy is awesome because it is all those things combined, but better! and from before any of them were around. Plus, Joss Whedon is just hilarious. Have you seen the musical episode? Awesome. Pure awesome. Sorry, but Twilight's got nothing. :)
i'm SUCH a sucker for Charmed and now...True Blood! Which I didn't ever think I would fall for. it's so much better than I thought it would be! but when i'm craving those 90s fashions i go for Charmed :)
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