Sunday, November 8, 2009

human on the year

is Regina Spektor
my big sis, Kylie, and I drove down to Salt Lake this weekend to see the beauty herself live!
It was a slice of heaven!
but before the show, the real main event was visiting my sister's home & holding this little bundle of joy, Caleb!

i love him!
+he was smiling a lot
but we couldn't stay long if we wanted to hear Regina herself.

& best of all, I ran into two foxy ladies at the show!
(my incredible friends Rachel & Hilary)

I recorded some of the songs she played but I can't bloody figure out how to get them on you, blogspot!
but Regina was spectacular.
Even though.. our spots sucked since the piano was blocking us from viewing her adorable self. & there were plenty of crazy people around us.
needless to say, our trip was successful!


2 reviews:

Kenzi said...

please say you recorded dance anthem??!

Kelly Hannah K said...