Monday, November 16, 2009

my life in lists

i have an irrational obsession with lists.
i write three at least everyday.
first for my "to do today" list
second for my "i need/want" list
third for my "anything i want this list to be about" list
but not those particular names...
& I'll share one with you
and this list is one that I've been adding onto over the past months...
before i hit six feet under
own my very own bookstore
ride an elephant
travel to each continent
live in Europe for a year or more
own my dream home
create 50 flavors of lemonade
read all of Harry Potter series in one week (that may be a stretch)
yell "food fight" and start a riot
pull the fire alarm and not get caught
run a red light and not get caught
(really my goal in life is to be incredibly sly)
write an anonymous advice column
speak French fluently. maybe even Spanish too
save the children in Africa
become all the great things i want to be in life

2 reviews:

Reggie Leppod said...

This picture is THE BEST. like you. im inspired. im going to write my own list and dedicate it to you. maybe. and dibs on owning the bookstore with you! i can be the one to reach the top shelves ;)

Jessie said...

Aww man, I was going to say I'd own the store with you, that's been a longtime dream of mine, too. Also, I have a friend up in Logan who went to the circus over the summer and got to ride an elephant--you should look into that.