Sunday, January 10, 2010

school can't wait much more

Today, is my last day for Winter break.
I head back to Logan.
Cold, Logan, where I have to leave my car behind and trek everywhere.
Where I have to start studying and taking things seriously.
Where I can not stay up past 12... 
and will surely always be up by 8...

I can't wait.

This past month has been treasured to say the least
1. Grace was born
2. was able to work back at my old job
3. saw old friends
4. watched many movies
5. Christmas came & went
6. was scared out of my mind...
7. went to a New Years dance
8. Naomi was born
9. started three new books (still need to learn to start one at a time...)
10. did (or tried) some de-cluttering in my room
11. ordered some new bedding for my future room in Ohio

It's been good in Utah County but Kramer & I 
have some things on our minds
for this new semester.
As in, having a couple parties and makes lots of friends!
And possibly having our own little photo-shoots 
with his amazing new camera!

To Do in Logan
1. buy groceries
2. get amazing grades
3. save money!
4. make friends 
(this could end up being optional if school needs more attention...,
 but friends make more the merrier)
5. keep my side of the room clean...

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