Sunday, December 13, 2009
(plus a few more...)
watching meteor showers
finishing a good book
holding a (happy) baby
clean clothes
a day at the beach
a successful shopping trip
running into someone with a huge hug
smelling really good
finding out you passed something you studied hard for
Friday, December 11, 2009
let the festivities begin
because I am officially done with finals!
And have gotten through my first semester of college!
Now it's time to go home and relax and have fun with my family & friends.
I am mostly excited for
1. To see my dog & nieces & nephew
2. sleep in my own bed
3. wake up to see my mom in the morning
4. Ugly-Sweater parties
5. Christmas!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Sometimes I wish I had something great to put on this website...
Today, I convinced half of my English class that William Shakespeare wrote The Titanic. MLIA.
Today, my cat turned away from me, brought his paw relatively close to his face, and proceeded to sneeze. I guess cats are aware of H1N1, too. MLIA.
Today, I was sewing up a hole in my pants while my mom was in my room. The needle got stuck when I tried to push it through. Not thinking, I yelled, "Get out of my pants!" Without missing a beat, my mom said, "Just remember that on your first date."
Today I was at the mall and walked by Aeropostale. I saw the mannequins dressed in new winter attire for Christmas. There was one little boy mannequin and i thought to myself when did Aeropostale start selling kids clothing. The little boy mannequin winked at me and continued posing to trick other shoppers. MLIA.
Today in History, I got a detention for saying a curse word in class. What word did I say for me to deserve this? Voldemort. MLIA
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
work christmas party
So here at college, I have an on campus job in the catering services which is really nice because it's close and... I get to know a lot of people...
Tonight there was the
including all areas of the catering services,
1. The Hub
2. Quickstop
3. Marketplace
I made it sound fancy by saying "catering services", didn't I? Nope, it's just like a fast food area & buffet style area and gas station-like area. Really fancy.
I arrived to the soiree with my friend Becky aside me. As we searched the room for openings at tables for people we relatively knew we alas ending up sitting at a table, alone. Yes, alone. But don't worry, it was fun! Or, funny I guess that we were alone. Needless to say we kept ourselves entertained. Along with catered food, our boss who is over every area of catering had us take a little quiz... "How well do you know me?"
I thought those kind of quizzes were only for myspace or facebook?
it was weird. Becky & I both failed. 100% failure.
Next there was a raffle!!!
Who doesn't love a raffle? Other than those who don't win anything.
Prizes consisted of a Wii, an iPod, skull candy gear, then stuff like t-shirts & gift cards
Prizes consisted of a Wii, an iPod, skull candy gear, then stuff like t-shirts & gift cards
But don't worry, I won something.
Yes, when the boss's, Jamie, daughter who was around 5 years old announced the winner of each prize she pronouced
"kewwy killer"
adorable right??? NO.
it's not adorable if after your name is announced that it's pure silence in the room. It wasn't until I was half way up to receive my prize that some clapping & whooting began.
It was embarrassing, but I laughed & got over it...
But then again, my prize was embarassing too.
A camo Vault hat & a Blazer XL t-shirt.
what's worse
getting a prize you hate?
not winning at all?
because I hated this prize. I won't lie. Hahaha...
hope you all have better luck at your work christmas parties!!!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
guess what...
my parents are moving.
of all places!
I never imagined my parents living in the midwest! Ohio is now where I will spend my summer vacations and Christmas breaks. It's a bittersweet occasion, hearing about this move. There are good things that come out of it along with the bad.
experience something different
meet new people
quality time with my family during long breaks
Kasey gets to go to a new high school (this could also be a con)
the green!! trees & grass & no mountains!
we may still be keeping our Utah home
my brother & his wife will rent to live in our home if we do keep it
with the house, I will always have a place to stay
Katie & Colin may move out there too, so Katie will have my mom when she has a newborn
my mom & dad & little sis will be far away
I won't be able to visit them when I come home for weekends
my parents will miss the lives of the grandchildren growing up
there isn't much to do in Ohio I hear
the humidity...
my parents haven't been able to experience all of Utah like they wanted
cost of many plane tickets
Kasey won't have instate tuition for Utah
I am coming to terms with this move and even though I'm really sad, a part of me is excited to visit Ohio in the summer. But then again, another part of me is sad to be missing out on Utah in the summer. See the dilemma?
p.s. I should be studying for my finals this week, but somehow I keep getting distracted...
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
(Cache Valley Transit District)
or in other words...
Remember how in High School riding the bus was really lame? Well it's just like that in College too. And you know how ever since Rosa Parks sitting in the back was cool? Yeah, still like that too. There are never any seats in the back, because thats where you really want to be if you want to get further away from the creepers upfront. But since I don't have my car with me, I have no choice but to like the bus. But it's really not that bad, especially once you get over the smell. Oh my gosh, THE SMELL IS HORRIBLE. Each bus smells like a bad case of BO and Bus #5 has some BO/Baby Powder smell going on. Baby Powder smells nasty.
Plus the people who ride the bus are... lovely people.
Yesterday while on my way to the plasma center, the bus had just started to leave the transit center when a guy ran up the door and banged on it as to board the bus. He was Mexican and had red-orange hair and thick black eyebrows... Interesting.
Also little kids will ride the bus too because there is an elementary school on campus for the elementary education majors. One girl sat behind me saying curse words and that if anyone didn't let her rest today she would "beat them with a crutch". Kids these days...
And I also have the worst luck with some people. One of my first times riding the bus I leaned forward and asked the woman in front of me what time the buses stopped running. She didn't have lips. She looked at me (hopefully my face didn't show how shocked I was...) and just sort of moaned. I said "Oh, thank you!" and the man in front of her answered my question.
Another time while on my way to the plasma center I got off the bus and a man followed me all the way down to the light, crossed the road, and to the building complex where the center was. It took me about 10 minutes to turn to him and say "are you following me?" No. He was just going to the same place I was.
I also love the Plasma Center because I meet the coolest, most interesting people there! I've grown to be friends with most of the workers there so they are always sure I get the purple medical tape I like, and are sure they prick me semi-painlessly and sometimes they'll all gather around my donating bed and talk about the most random, funny topics. It's a real treat donating plasma. (my brother-in-law says I'm selling my plasma... that doesn't sound as wholesome)
midnight phone calls + geeks
dearest kramer-kram called me for a lovely midnight chat.
I won't lie, I was in bed. He asked if I was sleeping & I said no... but I lied. I was almost asleep. His ringtone I set for him is really what woke me up. "They" by Jem. It's kind of scary... I'll have to change it stat. But I like talking to friends on the phone more than sleep. Especially since today was the type of day where I keep to myself in my room and don't do much.
today I was a bit lazy.
I mean, I went to all my classes, kind of.
I went to work.
Donated plasma (good for me and for the ones in need!)
then the laziness escalated from there....
to painting my nails many shades of colors to watching Freaks & Geeks non-stop, I somehow managed to get homework done in between.
Have I expressed how much I love Freaks & Geeks lately? Because I love it.
A lot.
God bless YouTube and the many users of it who put all the episodes of Freaks & Geeks neatly organized on this video engine. Because Hulu just doesn't suffice when it comes to classics like these.
maybe it's me, but people in the seventies had some really great style! I possibly think that because our generation is all Indie, but really, Indie is just another version of seventies sweaters and vinyl pants! Think about it. Or just watch Freaks & Geeks.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
and we feasted
I am thankful for...
1. my family
2. my education
3. my friends
4. my dog of course
This past week was wonderful! We had thanksgiving break which was full of two hour drives home, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, the most delicious turkey my mom has made yet! (seriously. juicy & tender, it was practically falling apart!), sleepless parties with my friends and my fave black friday sales! I just wish I took pictures and documented my week...
Thursday, best friends Maddie, Kenzie, & Morgan stayed up all night to go to Urban Outfitters! They were having a 50% sale on all sale items, which was not too shabby! We all had great finds.
I babysat & also went to this churchy musical play called "Savior of the World". It was better than expected. I had a quaint little vacation and in just the small amount of TWO WEEKS I will go home again for almost a whole MONTH! It will be a beast to have to pack for.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
weekend report
movies and magazines,
filling our heads with dreams.
love is the little things,
love changes everything.
("little things" by pomplamoose)
thursday report: best. day. ever.
attended a poetry reading at the quadside
stopped by a print sale in the art department (only had $2.25 with me, luckily Kramer found a photograph of marbles for $2. I bought it & gave the extra 25 cents as a "wish I could help you more" fund)
visited a pedal power concert for a couple hours where our little crowd just spoke about recycling and vampires and laughed about everything.
friday report: lovely lovely best friend Nisa had a slumber party because it was her birthday!
drove to Wal*Mart where we reenacted "Where the Heart Is". Natalie Portman made an appearance.
went to every possible RedBox in the county. Smiths was closed. Kholers; closed. And finally, when we went to the Wal*Mart we only found that every movie available sucked.
stayed up till fourAM watching Degrassi and talking about nonsense.
saturday report: baby shower.
holding babies.
babysitting babies.
go to the park with babies.
reading MyLifeIsAverage with my sister-in-law Jessie!
sunday report: drove back to cold logan.
crotched headbands.
played games with great great friends & laughed a lot
sunday report: drove back to cold logan.
crotched headbands.
played games with great great friends & laughed a lot
Monday, November 16, 2009
my life in lists
i have an irrational obsession with lists.
i write three at least everyday.
first for my "to do today" list
second for my "i need/want" list
third for my "anything i want this list to be about" list
but not those particular names...
& I'll share one with you
and this list is one that I've been adding onto over the past months...
before i hit six feet under
own my very own bookstore
ride an elephant
travel to each continent
live in Europe for a year or more
own my dream home
create 50 flavors of lemonade
read all of Harry Potter series in one week (that may be a stretch)
yell "food fight" and start a riot
pull the fire alarm and not get caught
run a red light and not get caught
(really my goal in life is to be incredibly sly)
write an anonymous advice column
speak French fluently. maybe even Spanish too
save the children in Africa
become all the great things i want to be in life
clean white love
lisa mitchell is a doll, her music is light & has a touch of fantasy to it all.
& i covet her bangs
i want all the knowledge in my brain to grow 100x larger than it already is.
there are so many things in the world to discover & learn and I want to know about all of it!
but maybe not math... I don't really care for math.
i want to become better at
book binding
dream catching
i love going to concerts of live music or dancing or poetry slams (love poetry slams) or anything because I become so overwhelmed with the talent of everyday people that something sparks inside me and i go crazy trying to become better at whatever it was.
let's all become creative,
knowledge is power.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
12PM love
it's only the beginning of the day and it's somewhat dark outside,
as if a storm is coming.
it's a really nice day.
woke up & got ready for the day
studied for nutrition test
slaughtered test with my nutrition knowledge
wasting time until work listening to jack johnson & of course, blogging.
but within my wasting time, i've found a precious little blog featuring only lovely weddings!!
i love weddings. a lot.
maybe it's because we had four weddings in our family all within five years. our cute family!
sometimes i worry myself. i'm too excited for the future and i have things all planned out like what my home will look like & what adventures imaginary hubby and i could go on, that i'm not as focused on right now. and how to get to the point where i can move my imaginary furniture into my imaginary victorian-anthropologie styled house with the gorgeous backyard.
but right now, it looks like a storm is coming outside and i'm basking my soul with photographs from weddings.
(click to enlarge)
more love here
Sunday, November 8, 2009
human on the year
is Regina Spektor
my big sis, Kylie, and I drove down to Salt Lake this weekend to see the beauty herself live!
It was a slice of heaven!
but before the show, the real main event was visiting my sister's home & holding this little bundle of joy, Caleb!
i love him!
+he was smiling a lot
but we couldn't stay long if we wanted to hear Regina herself.
& best of all, I ran into two foxy ladies at the show!
(my incredible friends Rachel & Hilary)
I recorded some of the songs she played but I can't bloody figure out how to get them on you, blogspot!
but Regina was spectacular.
Even though.. our spots sucked since the piano was blocking us from viewing her adorable self. & there were plenty of crazy people around us.
needless to say, our trip was successful!
DIARY ENTRY BY Kelly Hannah K at 9:54 AM 2 reviews
LABELS: friends, nephew, Regina Spektor, Road Trips
Monday, November 2, 2009
peace out & arms wide open
november is here,
october just flew by!
even though i see my family a lot, i'm really excited for Christmas break next month & to be home for almost a whole month.
i miss...
1. my bed
2. my dog, Cobi
3. sunday dinners & having the whole family over, playing board games and playing with the all the nieces (and now new nephew!)
4. my car & being able to drive where ever, whenever
5. mom's home cooking
6. baking ingredients
7. craft supplies & sewing machine
but until then, i'll just have to deal with november, which won't be so bad because
november goodies
1. Caleb was born!
2. Regina Spektor concert!
3. dentist appointment!
4. thanksgiving & school break!
5. closer to the end of the semester & Christmas!
but as of lately...
listening to: the flaming lips
reading: lock & key
working on: getting my laundry done
craving: a symphony chocolate & toffee bar & mom's russian tea
wanting: a sewing machine to a) hem pants b) hem skirts c) sew neato ruffles to cardigan
temperature: freezing. kylie & her roommates never turn on the heat. it feels like winter x 500
still wanting: to hold baby Caleb!
constantly calling: my mum. i've called her about 5 times today to check up on the baby & kimmy.
waiting for: another amazing episode of grey's anatomy & glee
wishing: i could go to FHE tonight & laundry wasn't bloody taking forever
farewell october, see ya
(post inspired by lovely blogfriend kenzie)
happy birthday!
that funny boy is 19!!!
I'm super ecstatic that we're friends & that he also goes to USU, or else, I would be one of those losers that eat by themselves and go to plays alone.
& that is just not tolerable.
Kramer is the coolest and has a voice that will blow you away! So...
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
late night
it's 3:54 AM
i'm the only one awake!
no one is even on facebook.
in the west or the east coast.
why am i up so late, you ask?
& i just couldn't sleep.
so i'm making postcards from pictures i've found & fallen in love with.
these ones are my favorite photos to use so far...

happy sleeping!
that is, if you can!
DIARY ENTRY BY Kelly Hannah K at 3:58 AM 0 reviews
LABELS: crafts, late, wednesdays
Monday, October 26, 2009
dear paranormal activity,
i'm still haunted from watching you & feel as if i have demons after me!
dear paranormal activity audience,
i'm glad my cries of fear could be your comic relief during that frightening 2 hours. I on the other hand, had no comic relief... I was purely petrified.
dear kramer,
i am truly sorry if your arm is bruised
dear regan,
i don't appreciate it when you try to scare me more than i already am
dear twin bed,
you aren't very comfortable but somehow you make me want to stay curled up for hours & miss every class, which is a bad idea.
dear king's singers,
you were really great today in class & i'm very excited to hear you tonight in concert!
dear rice cooker,
please work!
dear world archaeology,
your class sucks & i hope i don't fail your midterm this friday...
DIARY ENTRY BY Kelly Hannah K at 11:10 AM 1 reviews
LABELS: little letters
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Alice, Alice, Alice...
I really love Alice & her Wonderland Adventures. & in honor of it's new movie, directed from Tim Burton, coming out in about five months!! Here is this neat clip & thank you to who made this!
& enjoy!
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